The “15th Rhineland Biopatent Forum” will take place June 6, 2024, in the premises of our firm in Düsseldorf.
Again, we were able to recruit a panel of high profile speakers. Dr. Bernd Hutter, former head of IP od Morphosys, will speak about patent portfolio management at the interface of start-ups, venture capital and exit strategies. In view of the 14 yrs he was at Morphosys, we can expect some valuable insights.
Then, we were impressed by the high output rate of spin-offs when we visited the Ghent University earlier this year, and had the chance to speak to Dr ir. Simon De Corte of the University’s TechTransfer office. Simon will explain to us the secrets of the success story of Ghent University’s unique innovation ecosystem.
And we could convince Dr. Oliver Sichelschmidt, Senior Director IP & Licensing at Qiagen, whom we know for more than a decade, to tell us about his approach on Patent Portfolio Efficiency. We are very interested to learn about techniques to establish a fact- and cost-driven decision process in the management of patent portfolios.
And, members of the firm will give presentation on other selected topics from the magical world of biopatents. One evergreen is the issue of epitope based antibody and TCR patents. Those who are regular attendees of the Rhineland Biopatent Forum will remember well a lively discussion between Gregory Cox of Eli Lilly and Maria Giuseppina Covone-van Hees of the EPO in 2012 already.
Further, there will be sufficient time for networking, or enjoying a refreshment on our terrific roof terrace facing the Düsseldorf Media Harbour.
If you plan to attend we would like to ask you to register early, simply by email to We will then provide you with further documents as well as travel directions and hotel suggestions.
And, if you arrive the night before, join us for our traditional “Feierabendbier” reception!