Preparation course for the C- and D-part of the EQE
In 2024, our firm will once again be offering a preparatory course for the C and D parts of the European Qualifying Examination (EQE exam), which will take place on Monday/Tuesday, 25/26 November 2024.
The course content is primarily focussed on suitable exam techniques and strategies for avoiding mistakes in order to be able to successfully tackle the C and D parts of the EQE exam with these skills. In our experience, well-prepared exam papers significantly increase the chances of success. We therefore want to provide participants with the necessary methodological knowledge in this course. In this respect, the course should be seen as a supplement to the participants' own preparation of the legal foundations of the EPC. Instead, participants will learn how to convert their technical knowledge of the EPC into as many points as possible to pass the C and D parts of the EQE examination. The course takes place in Düsseldorf at our premises at Kaistrasse 16A and is free of charge. The course speakers are Dr Torsten Exner, Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Gröschel and Prof. Dr Aloys Hüttermann. The course will be held in German language.
Registration is now open (please state your full name and employer) at eqe@mhpatent.de.
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